Imagine not using firefox 😬

Test Document

This is a text markdown document with even code, LaTeX=xyLaTeX = \frac{x}{y},

console.log('language codeblocks');

and LaTeXBlocks=xy LaTeX~Blocks = \frac{x}{y}

and ofc

a complex syntax example

struct Handler<T: surrealdb::Connection> {
    config: crate::config::Schema,
    db: surrealdb::Surreal<T>,

// This is a comment
/* And this
is multiline
impl<T: surrealdb::Connection> EventHandler for Handler<T> {
    async fn message(&self, ctx: Context, msg: Message) {
        let maybe_cmds =
            commands::parser::MsgParser::new(&self.config.prefix.to_string(), &msg.content).parse();