Imagine not using firefox 😬

Javalsai's Website

I really don't know what to put, but yeah, this is my website, still working on it :P

Self-hosted, so it will work as long as my ISP doesn't troll me with an IP change. The DynDNS provider also has big downtimes sometimes.

Not much to see, there's some subdomains in the top corner and this is just an intro to the domain and myself in a way, but hey, it's responsive and clean. No JS, pure clean HTML structure and simple CSS. Unless it's an interactive thing, but that will only be for some optional perks.

Myself :P

So I guess I'll start talking a little bit about myself (go to my github, Ctrl + C, Ctrl + V)

I'm javalsai, I enjoy developing backend, terminal apps or network stuff. While I try to avoid web, mobile and game dev (I just don't like the complexity of building GUIs).

I'm a huge Linux nerd and love messing around with the internals of my system, like filesystems, init systems, network settings...

I also love hosting my own stuff like gitea, email, file server or http/s servers.

And about myself, well idk, I live in Spain 🇪🇸, I love skiing, and I also like maths and physics. Generally a nerd of any scientific branch. I speak Spanish, English (of course) and a little of Italian.


Some of my social profiles too, you can contact me or anything there:

Also, not really socials but related:

  • GPG: E8887EE656F96E6535AAA08047F1C0AA01A08F39
  • XMR: 48gGNbMVP2BZErXXB49AjVJvQDGFbyUyZd7fEMQe1weuPsrydbcaPftBggJddQP81U2ShS5Gju28oFhBGuhXiuMR8rsGZ4R

And idk, some other random profiles: